Monday, November 8, 2010

Moon Sand.....I hate you!!

Once upon a time, about 3 years ago, a handsome, young 6 year old came to me and begged for Moon Sand for Christmas. Those big, brown eyes......How could I not. The commercials all said, "easy to use. Easy to CLEAN UP." Yeah right!! Well, that handsome brown eyed boy played with it once or twice and I cursed it each and every time.

Fast forward to today. My handsome blue eyed child asks me, "Mom, that's Moon Sand up there!! (it's been hiding on top of the "beer fridge"). Can we PLEASE play with it????" Now let's not forget the difference between Mr. Brown eyes and Mr. Blue eyes and his accomplice. The difference, my friends is RULE FOLLOWING!!! But I had a brain fart and thought, it won't be that bad. One hour, and two baths later, it WAS that bad. Moon sand in ears, Moon Sand in hair, even Moon Sand in armpits. Two baths and a slow bath drain later, all was right once again, (oh besides Noah trying to dump the entire bathtub out onto the bathroom floor while I put clothes away). Sigh...Never dull here.

So the moral of my story....The creators of Moon Sand should be dealt with and should have to suffer major consequences for their actions. There should be a panel of Moms that OK all their creations. They should not lie:) THAT is my profound thought for today!!

p.s. Mr. Blue eyes looks like he has brown eyes in this photo. You know who I speak of:)

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