Monday, November 29, 2010

Tree Time!!!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas lala la la la la....

Friday night was the annual Monahan Tree Decorating!1 (minus Dad who came and supervised and put a couple ornaments on). The boys LOVE this night!!! For me, it is an exercise of letting go....Letting go of the fact that there are 700 ornaments on the bottom of the tree, letting go of the fact that the "good" ornaments made their way to the back of the tree this year. Letting go of the fact that my beaded garland did not reach all the way and my ribbon garland is getting old and annoys me:) Yes, the tree decorating is therapy, as my little Elves think it is the BEST thing in this world. For the record, I only moved 5 ornaments that were on the same branch. It was left as is besides that;)

This was Benny's year to put on the Santa. A tradition that I had as a kid and plan to carry on with my dudes. He thought he was the you-know-what!! Look at that face!!!

It was a great night. No one cried or carried on about being poked by real needles and I was not left to finish the job. Good times!!!

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous tree trimming pictures. I like the narrative about "letting go".
